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    Are you an investor? Are you looking for an absolutely secure top return ... read here!

    Are you an investor? Are you looking for an absolutely secure top return ... read here!

    (Update from April 18, 2024)

    Interest rates have been continuously increased by the international central banks over the past two years and have been falling again for some time. The interest rate increase had fatal consequences for certain industries - especially in the real estate sector. This continues to this day! Due to very low building interest rates in times of negative interest rates, commercial construction companies and private builders now have the massive problem of enormously rising interest costs. These are becoming an existential problem – especially for private individuals. Building applications are falling massively in the commercial and private sectors. Extremely rising costs of construction materials and significant supply chain problems are other current and future prospects that are difficult to predict. Not to mention the shortage of skilled workers! Building has become expensive – very expensive in fact! Despite great market demand, selling and renting is becoming increasingly problematic because entire sections of the population can hardly or can no longer meet the increased costs. ... and it is not certain whether the central banks will gradually raise interest rates slightly again in order to fully get the high inflation (which, fortunately, has currently fallen) under control.

    What options do commercial and private investors have to secure and increase their capital in this difficult environment? Stocks, ETFs, gold ....... ???

    There are actually very interesting and lucrative alternative investment opportunities. One of the best is investing in future-oriented companies and start-ups from the pharmaceutical, bio and IT sectors. The most successful companies worldwide are in the IT sector, particularly in the Internet and AI (artificial intelligence) segment. Giants like Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Ebay, Microsoft, Oracle and many other companies dominate their respective markets and generate incredible sales and profits. They were all pushed and supported by far-sighted investors!

    I want to found a start-up company with in-depth, long-standing IT know-how in the Internet sector and am planning to produce and go online with a “communications platform for adults”. Our technical and marketing know-how for this project is at the highest level. The use of AI is in the pipeline. The market for the targeted segment has been researched and completely analyzed in detail over the long term (all relevant documents are complete!). In the intended target market, Germany is the absolute market leader worldwide in terms of usage! Erotic sites make up around 12.5% of all internet traffic in Germany!

    Info: The world average is 7.7% and the USA, for example, is 8.3%. There are few European providers with sufficient know-how! Users therefore use products from two providers in the USA - due to the lack of good offerings in Europe.

    According to published information, economic experts estimate the GERMAN MARKET to be worth at least 1.9 billion euros annually! This number is about 10 years old and has long been outdated! Unfortunately, there are extremely few publicly reliable and current figures. If you know where to look, you can still find very good numbers. I know this information and can present it...


    7.0 million euros

    7 years - (1st year of programming/online access free of interest and repayment,
    then 6 years of income - extension possible with a new investment)

    Profit share:
    12.0% (twelve percent p.a. for 6 years)

    Yield minimal:
    approx. 26.1 million euros

    Additional income from advertising, merchandise, shop, licenses, etc. increases the income massively!!!

    My offer:
    We offer investors the opportunity to invest in our start-up company. In any case, the return to be achieved is in a range that will definitely convince every potential investor MORE THAN POSITIVE and can be proven in detail (also live and online) at any time. We are therefore planning to start a solid company in a core area of IT. All areas and factors of the new start-up will of course be secured in such a way that the highest possible security is provided for the investor (and for us).

    Absolute discretion and seriousness are my top priority.
    I´m looking forward to meet you!

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